February 2021 Meeting Report Our speaker tonight was James Fragley who spoke to us about objects which can hit the earth. He started by explaining to us where they come from and what they look like and are made of. They could be asteroids of which there are many types and comets. The chance of […]
February 2021 Meeting Report
February 2021 Meeting Report Our speaker this evening was Bob Mizon MBE talking about his 7 favourite Moons. It was a delightful evening with Bob taking us on a tour of the moons that orbit the planets in our solar system. He shared with us the history behind these objects, now they were discovered and […]
February Events & Publications
February Events & Publications GoSpaceWatch have another online lecture coming up. Dark Skies of the Isle of Man. Presented by Howard Parkin on 17th Feb 21 at 19:30. Tickets are available from Eventbrite for £3 Here. The GoSpaceWatch website speaker programme is here South Downs National Park. The approach of bringing the Planetarium night sky into your home […]
January 2021 Meeting Report
The meeting began with the AGM which had been moved from September to its new month of January. Subscriptions remain at £20 and it was reported that lockdown had brought along 10 new members which is great news . The new committee is shown below and we welcome Michael Hobbs as our new President. The […]
Telescopes Available
Check out the Telescope page to see all the telescopes available to Society members for use at home.