Southampton Astronomical Society
Founded in 1924. Celebrating over 100 years

Welcome to the Southampton Astronomical Society.
We meet in the Issac Watts Memorial Church in Winchester Road Southampton SO16 6TS, the meetings are also held online.
Our main meeting usually features a guest speaker and a small amount of society business.
We are always happy to welcome guests and newcomers. Please use our Contact form to ask questions.
Some people think they can’t join an astronomy society because they are only ‘beginners’ – that is nonsense! We are happy to welcome beginners and experts alike, in fact some of our talks are specifically aimed at beginners. If you have just bought or found a telescope and are struggling to workout how to use it, please contact us. We encourage you to bring the telescope along to a Thursday meeting and after the main talk we can show you how to use it – we have all been there, we know its not easy!
Next Meeting Thursday 9th January 7:30pm to 9pm
Messier vs Caldwell
Michael Hobbs
Hall & Online