April Meeting Report Our speaker this month was Graham Bryant who gave us an excellent talk about the canals of Mars. Graham took us on a wonderful journey explaining how observers had seen Mars and where the canals came from. We all went away really appreciating the fascinating story here.
Author: admin
March 2022 Meeting Report
Our March meeting was a wonderful talk about the Tunguska meteor and meteors in general. Bob Mizon FRAS is a wonderful speaker and always entertaining. We had an evening of understanding all about meteors and the different meteor events that have taken place over time and what could possibly happen if one was to hit […]
February 2022 Meeting Report
February Meeting Report, members were advised that subscriptions are now due and the sun is actiave again with many sunspot groups appearing. Our speaker was Leigh Edwards who described how we can colonise space. It was a fascinating talk describing many of the challenges and the work being done in this area.
January 2022 Meeting Report
January 2022 Meeting Report The January meeting began with the AGM where the accounts were shown. The society did make a profit in the past year but this was only because we did not have to pay for the hire of the hall for many of our meetings, but we do pay £15 a month […]
December 2021 Meeting Report
Our December meeting was all about Telescopes. It was an opportunity to see the different types of telescopes and how to use them. Michael Hobbs brought along some binoculars which are a very useful tool and some of the society telescopes. He showed us how to use a Dobsonian style telescope and one of the […]